First I unpacked the lifejacket from its cover and checked the general condition of the inflating section - all seemed clean and in good condition. Then I unscrewed the gas cylinder and checked that - it too seemed to be in good condition with no rust etc showing. I checked the weight that would confirm it was still adequately charged 171g. Now the first problem became evident - how to measure the weight accurately. One article suggested getting it weighed at the supermarket. Hmmm. Will need to think about that. Next I checked the automatic inflation cartridge - it was beyond its use by date and needs replacing; new ones can be ordered by mail order, no problem. Then I started to worry about the light. No servicing of the light is usually needed, but the battery life needs checking. The life is usually about 5 years, but I wanted to check the date marked on the side of the light. To do that I need to get the light out of its bracket that holds it against the oral inflator tube. Photos in several articles showed it to be held in place by a removable plastic clip. This is proving a major challenge - the clip just won't come out, despite several attempts at persuasion using a screwdriver whilst Diane shouted that I was about to wreck the jacket completely. Hmmm. Maybe the £12 service charge plus postage is a good deal? To be continued.
One day George W. Bush, Al Gore, and Bill Clinton were in a boat. All of a
sudden the boat sprung a leak and they had only one life jacket. They decided to
take a vote to see who would get the life jacket. When the votes were counted,
Al Gore had 1, Bill Clinton had 1, and George W. Bush had 7.
The gas cylinder seems to be OK |
The auto-inflator cartridge is out of date |
The light - IMPOSSIBLE to remove from its rubber holder! |