Did you notice that I have sneaked it up? What is he talking about I hear you say. Why, our target of course! Yes, the amount of money to raise for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust by team GBchallengecrew. With the recent contribution from Amaze, and all of the donations to date by all the other wonderful people, we had all but reached the initial target we had set of £6k. Since we have not even set sail yet, I thought we might now aim for £12k! OK, its a stretch target....but lets give it a go! All in a good cause! Well done, and thank you to everyone who has helped so far!

Hello and welcome to my blog, an account of our sail around Great Britain during 2015 and 2016. The sail is being undertaken by my friend Roger and I, and with friends who wish to sail either part of the way or all of the way with us. We are using the voyage as a means of raising funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. We are keen to hear from anyone who is interested in the project, and anyone who wishes to join the crew. I do hope you enjoy following the blog. Michael.
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