Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Through the Crinan canal and on to Tarbert

A good day today started with bacon rolls outside the café at Crinan. A baker walked past with a tray of scones. I told him they looked good and he told me to take one! So then we had to buy three more for the other crew members too! Passing through the canal was interesting. It is much narrower than the Caledonian canal, much more like the Trent and Mersey! There were lots of locks all with staff to operate them, but it was still tiring for the crew of Blue Star, holding and pulling and throwing lines. We finally exited the canal and motored down Loch Fyne to Tarbert. There was not enough wind to sail, but for most of the day the rain held off and the sun showed itself frequently!

A tramp knocks on the door of an inn known as St. George and the Dragon. The landlady answers. “Could you give a poor man something to eat?” asks the tramp.
“No!” yells the woman, slamming the door in his face. A few minutes later, he knocks again. “Now what do you want?” the woman asks.
“Could I have a few words with George?”

Passing through the canal, Roger helming.

Jean-Francois and Joan prepare lines in one of the locks

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