After our descent of Neptune's Staircase there was time to watch some of the Euro 2016 football matches at the pub next door (particularly Wales v England), and on returning to Blue Star we noted an Open 50 racing boat (the type used in round-the-world yacht races), ‘Wolfi’s
Toy’, moored next to us on the pontoon. The following day we left early to try
and be in the first sea lock opening of the day at around 0800. As we approached the
lock we noticed a fleet of other boats also moored in the yacht basin; they
were taking part in the Three Peaks race in which teams have to sail to ports close to the
three highest mountains
in England, Wales and Scotland, and two crew members have to race to the peaks! Fortunately their presence didn’t stop us
progressing out of the sea lock and on our way to Dunstaffnage. With us were
another yacht, Monkey Business, that soon motored past us once out at sea, and
a catamaran, Sail Mhor. The sea was flat, the sun shone and there was a following wind that enabled us to sail a good deal of the way as we admired the
wonderful scenery en route to Dunstaffnage where the boat will stay for a few
weeks whilst we return home. Just as we were mooring our boat in the marina we noticed that we were being filmed! It was Dylan Winter who is himself sailing around Britain at, dare I say, an even more leisurely pace than Blue Star. His website is . I don't know whether our 'boat parking' will appear on any of Dylan's films, but I gave him a copy of our calling card so hopefully he might give a mention to our cause.
What does Captain Jack Sparrow use to cook?
Pyrex of the Caribbean!
'Wolfi's Toy' that was moored just ahead of us on the pontoon below Neptune's Staircase |
Sail Mhor ahead of us in Loch Linnhe after exiting the canal |
P.S. I have added some photos to the previous posting now that I am home and have access to decent wifi. I hope that you like them!
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