We had a brilliant day today! The sun was shining all day,
and the wind was just enough to enable us to sail Blue Star for about 1 hour
after we exited Ramsgate. Although we later started the engine because the wind
was heading us, the sun persisted! Hurrah! We entered the Thames estuary and
saw a seal colony on one of the sandbanks in the middle of the Thames, then Steve cooked up some egg and bacon for lunch
(thanks Steve). MMmmmm! Very tasty! Then we motored on passing a number of
rusting WW2 steel forts located in the
middle of the Thames…..incredible to think about the young men who would have
been sent to man them with a view to shooting down enemy planes bent on bombing
London! We motored on into the Medway, passing the wreck of the USS Richard Montgomery,
still laden with tons of high explosive too dangerous to shift, and estimated
to blow up half of Kent
if it ever went off! Onwards to Queenborough on the river Swale which loops
around the Isle of Sheppey. Yvonne, a volunteer water taxi skipper took us
ashore where we sampled the delights of Queenborough – well, the first pub we
came across anyway – before we returned to our boat. Thank you too to Sophie
and to Mark, who manages to Queenborough
Harbour moorings, for
allowing us to stay free of charge. We really appreciate your help! As I write
this post, Steve is cooking us a splendid stir-fry meal!

Hello and welcome to my blog, an account of our sail around Great Britain during 2015 and 2016. The sail is being undertaken by my friend Roger and I, and with friends who wish to sail either part of the way or all of the way with us. We are using the voyage as a means of raising funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. We are keen to hear from anyone who is interested in the project, and anyone who wishes to join the crew. I do hope you enjoy following the blog. Michael.
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