Friday, 12 June 2015

Harwich....and other things....

....well, I say Harwich. In fact the boat is currently in Shotley marina, on the other side of the river Stour to Harwich. We can see the cruise ships and ferries going into Harwich, but for us to walk there would be a very long detour indeed! Shotley is also across the river Orwell from Felixstowe. It is at the junction of the two rivers before they flow into the sea.

Anyway, all of that is a detail. Whilst we haven't sailed for nearly 2 weeks, Diane and I did visit the boat and use it as a base from which to tour the area for a few days. A 'classic car' rally is held at the marina regularly, and we were fortunate to be able to see it during our visit. We also visited Constable country - Flatford Mill and Dedham - and also Aldeburgh, Orford, and Woodbridge. We bought some freshly caught and smoked mackerel on the sea front at Aldeburgh and ate them with our dinner. Very scrumptious! I also took the opportunity to deal with a few boat engine issues - checked the water-fuel separator, found the source of a water leak from the engine, and arranged for the water pump to be serviced (new seals and bearings). All sorted now and no more leaks according to the onsite marine services.

The next leg of our voyage should take us to Hull, hopefully via several interesting staging posts along the way! We are all hoping for some decent weather too! That would make a nice change!

an old Anglia at the car rally

a 'Capri Ghia' Rodney!
the classic car rally at Shotley marina

checking the water/fuel separator

Hhmm. Now where is that little drip coming from?

the town hall at Aldeburgh

the sea front at Aldeburgh, from where we bought our mackerel

walking along the river at Orford

a wreck in the river at Orford
Flatford Mill

an old dry dock at Flatford

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