A member of Blue Star's crew was sitting on a bench near the marina when a
young man walked up and sat down. The young man had spiked hair and
each spike was a different color.... green, red, orange, blue, and
After a while the young man noticed that the Blue Star crew member was staring at him.
"What's the matter old timer, never done anything wild in your life?
Blue Star's crew replied, "Got drunk once and married a parrot. I was just wondering if you were my son!"
Blue Star is safely tucked up in her berth at Grimsby, for the next 4 weeks. After that, with new crew joining the challenge, we will attempt to venture further north!
Highlights of the trip so far?
* the generosity of so many marina's who have offered us free accommodation; it has kept on-board costs down and enables crew to donate more to the cause. Thank you to all understanding marinas!
* the 'sail away party' was brilliant! it was just great to see so many friends there to support us! Thank you!
* Exploring new (to us) sailing grounds along the east coast
* the company of the lovely people who have sailed with us so far, and who have supported the cause with a donation! Thank you! We do hope you will sail with us again!
* 'creaming it' up the east coast out of Lowestoft
* Wells was a fantastic place to visit by yacht! So good to see Pat and Sarah there too!
..... and the not so good bits?
* the weather has been very disappointing
* being ill in Brighton
* there have been one or two times when the sea has not been very flat!
* it is surprising how tired you get - sailing the boat can be demanding, and everyone's sleep gets disturbed to some degree during a sailing week, and I find myself returning home with aching limbs
....but I'm still really looking forward to the next stage!

Hello and welcome to my blog, an account of our sail around Great Britain during 2015 and 2016. The sail is being undertaken by my friend Roger and I, and with friends who wish to sail either part of the way or all of the way with us. We are using the voyage as a means of raising funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. We are keen to hear from anyone who is interested in the project, and anyone who wishes to join the crew. I do hope you enjoy following the blog. Michael.
Thanks for the very accurate description of highs and lows on the trip so far! Looking forward to all aspects of the adventure. Best, Jim